Women’s Memory and Media in Turkey

The project entitled "Women's Memory and Media in Turkey" researches women’s professional, domestic and social lives, struggles and concerns through oral history research methods.

It also documents and archives women’s firsthand lived stories in an open-access platform as well as Loughborough University’s Open Access Depository. In this sense, the project is a research and archive project that is shaped by the feminist research theories and feminist archival strategies.

The web-based platform will contain English and Turkish open-access digital archives of interviews with women, diaries of volunteers, and journalistic content (such as newsletters and podcasts on themes concerning women’s lives, experiences and struggles).

The project is funded by European Endowment for Democracy, and led by Dr Burçe Çelik. The project will be completed with Kampussuzler, a Turkey-based NGO and will be completed by April 2021. The project started in January 2020.

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