IDIG Speaker Series: Dr Paul Tobin

MS Teams event

Image of Diplomacy tiles.

Polycentric Pioneers: Climate Change Leadership in Europe

The Institute for Diplomacy and International Governance has organised a Speaker Series to bring together a mix of academics and practitioners discuss issues relating to diplomacy, foreign policy and international governance. 

About Dr Paul Tobin

Dr Paul Tobin is a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Politics, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, specialising in European, environmental, and comparative politics, and public policy. Paul has published research in some of the leading journals in these fields, such as Global Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Change, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, The Journal of European Public Policy, and Policy & Politics. Paul has co-edited two books; the first entitled The Impact of the Economic Crisis on European Environmental Policy, and the second, Climate Governance Across the Globe: Pioneers, Leaders and Followers.

Currently, Paul is the Deputy Director of the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and a Series Co-Editor of Manchester University's Press European Politics Series. Outside Manchester, Paul has been the Honorary Secretary of the Political Studies Association, as well as a member of its Senior Leadership Team and Executive Committee. Previously, Paul was a Co-Convenor of PSA Environment, one of the UK’s representatives on the Management Committee of INOGOV, and the Chair of the BISA Postgraduate Network.

About the IDIG Speaker Series

You can view the full schedule of events taking place in Semester 1 here.

How to book your place

Current Loughborough students and staff: If you haven't already received an invitation with the meeting link, you may register to attend by emailing Tatevik Mnatskanyan at

If you are outside Loughborough University and would like to attend, please make a request by emailing Tatevik Mnatskanyan at, indicating your full name and affiliation.