Dr Angela Martinez Dy
Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Angela's interest in entrepreneurship stems from her background as co-founder and director of Youth Speaks Seattle, a leading youth arts education social enterprise in Seattle, USA. She has extensive experience as an educator, teaching artist, youth mentor and collaborative digital content creator.
Dr Angela Martinez Dy is a Senior Lecturer for the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Her interest in entrepreneurship stems from her experience of building grassroots arts organisations in her hometown of Seattle, USA, where she was co-founder and Program Director for Youth Speaks Seattle, the area's leading creative writing and performing arts education organisation for young people.
A digital native, her focus on digital enterprise reflects the changing world of work due to the spread of information and communication technologies. Angela's research interests include intersectionality, cyberfeminism, and critical realist philosophy. At the 2013 International Small Business and Entrepreneurship conference, Angela received the Michael Christie Award for Best New Researcher Paper in Gender. She is actively involved in her communities of practice, both academic and external, maintaining an intersectional feminist blog, editing and reviewing for relevant journals, organising conferences and managing digital communications for various organisations. Angela also collaborates with individuals and groups working to empower marginalised communities using digital media.
Academic background
Angela completed her first degree, BA Creative Writing and Mathematics at the University of Washington, before completing an MSc and PhD at Nottingham University Business School. Her PhD research focused on Business and Management, with an emphasis on digital enterprise and intersectionality.
From 2002 – 2009, Angela was a Programme Director at Youth Speaks Seattle, where she enjoyed teaching and mentoring young people. Angela then began teaching at the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Nottingham University Business School, before joining the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Loughborough University London.
Current research and collaborations
Dr Angela Martinez-Dy's research interests are in the area of digital entrepreneurial activity, feminist philosophy, gender and intersectionality.
Angela is an active researcher and is currently involved in interdisciplinary research and collaboration with Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam Missing in Action: Women and Digital Enterprise and Digital Women UK.
On 27th October 2016, Angela's latest paper, "Entrepreneurship and Small Business Realities: Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research" received the award for Best Conference Paper and Best Paper in Track at the 39th Annual Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, held in Paris.
Interests and activities
Angela is the Vice-Chair of Marketing and Communications for the Gender and Enterprise Network (GEN): a Special Interst Group of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Angela is also a Guest Editor for the Journal of Critical Realism and Social Media Co-Editor of the International Small Business Journal. Angela is also an associate of Digital Women UK