Siena Morgan

Creating the Sport Ecosystem Framework

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Siena Morgan is doctoral researcher in the Institute for Sport Business and a sport administrator out of the United States, with a passion for sport governance and policy.

Siena received her Bachelor of Science in Communication from Norwich University (VT), and her Master of Arts in Sport and Athletic Administration from Gonzaga University. It was during her Master's programme that she developed a passion for research and sport governance. Her previous research focused on the intersection of collegiate anti-doping policy and WADA code through the perspective of coaches.

PhD research description

Use of the term 'ecosystem' as a descriptor for the ever-changing and growing sport industry is not a novel concept. However, I believe that it is more than a descriptor, and sport, as a very unique industry merits its own Sport Ecosystem Framework by which sport managers, researchers, and organisational management enthusiasts can see a holistic, comprehensive, and real-time view of that ecosystem. My research is building and testing such a framework. 

PhD supervisors

Papers, publications and articles

Perceptions of Anti-Doping policy among collegiate coaches; Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, Vol 33, 2018

Interests and activities

 I love anything outdoors, Olympic-related, NCAA basketball, and going for long walks with my dog, Tedy.