Self-construal and projection on brand image in digitalised advertising and customer recommendation

This project seeks to use manipulated traceable platform to trace user click-stream data and eye-tracking data on the simulated web contents of various user occasions such as e-commerce, virtual service, experiential entertainment (game playing), and information website.

By capturing subtle user implicate preference data, buying history, browsing hobbies, experimental choice data, plus consumer personality data primed from affiliated tools, the project firstly captures and combines several influencer images in mindset, followed by quantification of the anchors’ impacts to develop a conceptual model of consumer’s self-construal on product choices. Next, it projects interesting findings on product recommendation and product adoption out of diversified user profile and behavioural routes. Last, the findings turn over instant user data to perform a target-sensible algorithm of more accurate product recommendation.

This is an ongoing research project started in 2020, and has alignment with the Digital Marketing and Finance research theme of the IDT.

For further info, please contact Dr Jie Meng.