Anthropomorphistic digital agency’s human-related affection

Anthropomorphic presentation via digital technologies is widely adopted in advertising and various marketing communication due to its ability to trigger favourable human-related affection and amplify effectiveness. This project aims to enrich the current understanding of how different human like characteristics and traits can be integrated into content presentation and impact the nonhuman agents and customer perception.

The project adopts a cross-disciplinary approach and reviews a vast body of research on anthropomorphism in digital content creation and communication to enrich the current understanding of how different humanlike characteristics and traits can be integrated into an anthropomorphic presentation and influence nonhuman agents and customer perception. It will build a critical view of how various anthropomorphic operations of digital agency ladder up by combining veracious elements and facilitate a subject-audience connection with an extension-versus-construal mapping cognition to boost audience engagement.

This is an ongoing research project started in 2020, and is aligned with both the Digital Media Processing, Analytics and AR/VR and Digital Marketing and Finance research themes of the IDT.

For further info, please contact Dr Jie Meng.